The Mystic Shaman Tradition follows a code of ethics within our fold, as we have rules and laws which govern conduct and other issues most face when people gather together. The following is from our Codex of The Woods Of Wyrd, and it is listed here in brief and to the point for your consideration.
The virtues of the Codex are not chosen at the time of their convenience and then ignored when they no longer suit us. It becomes The Way of Life at the very moment we take up this path. Some feel this path is a most difficult lifestyle. Many have tried, many have failed, and the choice is yours alone. Yet do not despair for you are not alone. There are others who struggle.
To do the best one can do in all things in accordance with one’s ability. It matters not what the task may be.
1.) Honor
Members shall live with honor, doing what is good and right not only for the tribe but for the community outside the tribe as well. No treasonous or treacherous acts will be tolerated or permitted. Honor shall be upheld at all times whether we are at peace, war, or transition. Members act as a representative of The Woods Of Wyrd while absent from the Elder Councils presence and also within the presence of other members, knowing full well she or he is an inspiration for others.
The Daughters Of Wyrd Codex
2.) Honesty
All members are expected to act and speak truthfully at all times no matter the cost, as well as accept help when it is offered at times when it is deeply needed. A member shall not embellish their testimony nor blatantly refuse to tell the truth, for it diminishes their spirit and honor and may impede on their innocence during a meeting as well as force the Tribal Elder Council to review the membership of the individual in question. Strengths and weaknesses shall not be held against members at any time, for the truth bears witness to their personal truths. Truth means earning trust and integrity, and a faithful attempt to fulfill his or her promises or follow through with their words, no matter how big or small they may be. Members shall strive towards humility when speaking about the deeds of others, of themselves, and conduct within the tribe. To falsely accuse a tribal member of a breech of the Law shall result in penalty accordance to the severity of the offense.
3.) Valor
Renowned for courage when facing overwhelming adversity the member sees others as a source of strength. This will in turn nurture the development of courage shown by peers within The Woods Of Wyrd, and attempt to instill within the will to fight any unjust cause the person sees fit. We choose to master our fears and doubts, reclaiming our path, ever progressing towards the betterment of ourselves, the group, and the community outside our group. We choose to reclaim our personal, spiritual, and warrior selves.
4.) Courtesy
The Woods Of Wyrd strives to maintain courtesy in our customs and way of life towards members and non-members alike. It shall be the custom to work clothed in our proper attire at any grove or hearth ritual as prescribed in our teachings. It shall be the custom of our hearth to also refrain from substances which would make any tribal or non-member uncomfortable while attending our events or rituals so long as it does not impede upon our spiritual rights (as described in section A of our Laws). This shall include but not be limited to alcohol, tobacco, incense, or any other substance or substances which would make members or guests uncomfortable during their use. We shall strive to compromise in every way possible within agreeable terms to all involved. The Woods Of Wyrd, its tribes, clans, and hearths, shall act within reason with tact and poise without compromising too much of our ways and ethics.
5.) Generosity
Sharing what’s valuable in life means not just giving away material goods, but also time, attention, wisdom and care - the things that create a strong, rich and diverse community. The Woods Of Wyrd shall endeavor to give to charities and not-for-profit organizations and foundations when possible. Members shall be generous whenever possible and receive without question. To give of yourself is an act of generosity without measure - whether it be material or the giving of your time to another. To refuse a gift would be dishonorable, unless the gift would cause harm to oneself, the hearth, and or the community as a whole.
6.) Compassion
The Woods Of Wyrd members shall ever strive to be compassionate. If a member of our hearth is attacked either physically or verbally we will consider it an attack against the hearth itself. We will not ignore the conflict no matter what manner of weapon was used against them for we will protect the innocent, protect the hearth, and stand up for ourselves amidst adversity. We shall not turn a blind eye to those in need. We shall endeavor to make the weak strong by providing help whenever possible. When in need, we shall stand to defend when called to active duty by those who call upon us.
7.) Prowess
Members are expected to seek excellence in all endeavors, seeking strength to be used in the service of justice, rather than in personal aggrandizement. To do the best one can do in all things in accordance with one’s ability. The task is inconsequential. The Autumn Wood always will walk the path of 'right', unencumbered by bias or personal interest. The sword of justice can be a terrible thing, so it must be tempered by humanity and mercy. If the 'right' you see rings agrees with others, and you seek it out without bending to the temptation for expediency, then you will earn renown beyond measure.
8.) Loyalty
Members are expected to be loyal to the hearth and take part in decisions concerning The Autumn Wood as a whole. Once the oath of loyalty is taken, it cannot be undone. Members must follow the decisions of the Elder Council understanding full well that a council exists to discuss and decide upon issues of extreme importance or issues upon which the tribe is divided. The Elder Council are considered first among equals and are to be respected as such. Loyalty extends to the ideal of allegiance to The Autumn Wood as well as its laws, the clans of which one is inducted to, and the groves they participate in. Acts of betrayal and treason shall result in penalty according to the severity of the offense. Seek always to defend your nation, your family, and those to whom you believe worthy of loyalty.
9.) Tolerance
The Autumn Wood acknowledges, accepts, and understands that each individual is unique unto their own. To live in peace we each must do our part to live cohesively within the tribe by exercising tolerance. The Autumn Wood is a supportive entity which creates an environment that allows members to grow and thrive amongst like minds which empowers and assists women and men in recognizing personal truths and individual strengths within a circle of many. Members shall exercise tolerance in all situations without question. Should a member have an issue they are asked to bring it to the Elder Council. Acts of intolerance which includes but not limited to religious, racial, sexual, cultural, or ethnic background, shall be dealt with in accordance to our laws by the severity of the offense including but not limited to the possibility of revocation of membership.
10.) Humility
Members shall practice the virtue of humility. Tell the deeds of others before your own, according them the renown rightfully earned through various deeds. In this manner may others find value within you and the deeds you have done. To boast or lie about your deeds or accomplishments is a falsehood to bear upon ones conscious. What you do and say reflects on others as well as yourself. Seeking strength in the service of justice is a far better reward than personal gratification. Humility is a mighty virtue that breeds Renown.
11.) Nobility
Nobility means to be noble to one’s convictions. Seek great stature of character by holding to the Codex, realizing that though the ideals cannot always be reached to perfection, the quality of striving towards them ennobles the spirit to learn and grow. Nobility also has the tendency to influence others, offering a compelling example of what can be done in the service of rightness. It is of importance of upholding one’s convictions at all times, especially when no one else is watching.
12.) Hope
In all things the thing that will keep us going is hope. Hope is present every day in a modern world with a positive outlook and cheerful demeanor as it becomes the shining armor which shields oneself, becoming the magic for others within their hearts. Kind words are not falsehood if truth is spoken with mercy.
13.) Faith
Faith in your beliefs are essential, for faith grounds yourself and gives strength to withstand the despair and disappointment in mankind. There are those who disdain and revile the notion to have faith for to them it is a weakness and utter foolishness. It does not matter what Faith you revere, as long as it is in keeping with the values of the Codex. For in the Code can be found the similarities of these Faiths that bind us together as Sisters and Brothers.
14.) Education
Education is a important part of leading through example. This part of the codex we believe is important in today's world because without education, one cannot lead effectively nor teach others without mastering oneself. There is never a bad question unless it is not asked. A good education provides a good foundation for a successful future.
15.) Respect
The Woods Of Wyrd respects their own integrity and that of others at all times, including respect for our laws and customs. We will not tolerate bigotry, slander, perjury, or other forms of harassment leveled against our members or against other members of the outside community. The Autumn Wood is open to any woman or man over the age of 18 without regard to race, creed, religion, culture, class, or ethnicity. The Autumn Wood, and all its parts (The Hearth Of The Crystal Dragons, The Spring Glen Academy, and eventually the Fantasy Faire and intentional community), is a sovereign tribe built on a foundation of interdisciplinary learning, intuition, and common sense. We are open to any who respect our teachings and way of life. Respect should be displayed at all times both for members and non-members, as lack of respect shall be met with disciplinary action against the guilty party. Respect for others, respect for sacred sites, respect for the gods, and most importantly, respect for oneself is one of the keys components of peace.
16.) Privacy
All members shall keep confidential the names, addresses, telephone numbers, and all other personal information of other members except when expressed permissions have been given to publicize said information, or in such a case a person is deemed to be a public threat in which case confidential information may only be revealed to those authorities under whose jurisdiction the matter of conduct falls, at all times.We shall respect the privacy and confidentiality of all members and private materials from either our tradition or another.